Twist of fate zeeworld: Five reason that make abhi a disappointing husband 

Twist of fate tv series is winning hearts of viewers with its interesting twists and turns. Abhi aka Shabbir Ahluwalia’s the male protagonist might be Tall, handsome, and oh so sexy, however, he is certainly not the man any girl will dream of. This love hate relationship we have with Abhi lately makes us want to wonder why he is such a huge disappointment.

Here are the Reasons  Abhi is such a huge disappointment

1. He is  Grandma's boy

    He always use his grandmother as an excuse to do something for Pragya“I’m doing it for grandmother” rants are kind of getting old. Find a better reason to do things for Pragya! She does not need your favors.


2. He Doesn’t Have a Mind of His Own

    Abhi loves his family and has a blind faith on them, especially his sister. He would listen to her and the family members without using his own brain. In such a case, if you and any of his family members have a clash, he will not even listen to u, forget understanding you or your situation.

3. He Is Not Awkward in Love But mysterious in Love

    Being awkward in love sounds interesting, but Ahbi is weird when it comes to love. The reason? Well, he can neither understand the love signals nor is able to understand his own feelings. This is the reason why he still thinks he loves Tanu. On the contrary, this is the exact reason why he has failed to understand his love for Pragya at several occasions.

4. He’s a Confused being

   Not a single moment passes in the series when Abhi is confident, maybe it could be the After-effect of the loud drums and guitar has hindered his cognitive functions [Six sense], The man simply cannot think straight. He blames Pragya for everything and anything that goes wrong around him without giving it a second thought.

5. Selfishness

    How can he accuse Pragya of having an affair when he himself is carrying on an affair in front of her and stand in moral judgement. He’ s not just accusing her of an affair he s calling her characterless. Abhi is the kind of man who wants to have his cake and eat it too.

Image Source: Zee tv

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